My Ways

Having outgrown the classic roots of my work, all of a sudden my own ways unveiled – manifold, everything but straight forward, colorful, sometimes still a bit calm, often sassy, experimental, inspired by travel impressions, nature, life. No more, but no less either.

What remains is the multi-layeredness of my work – some is planned, much arises, may simply emerge. And thus, this journey will continue – following my own ways.

Out & About (2022), 136 x 133 cm
Modern Droplets (2021), 72 x 174 cm
Tumbling Triangles (121 x 192 cm)
Cherry Blossom (2021), 67 x 138 cm
Going Round in Circles (2020), 60 x 82 cm
Baikal Blues (2019), 234 x 130 cm)
Baikal Fall (2019), 85 x 100 cm
Nature’s CAthedral (2019), 183 x 126 cm
The SPrinter (2017), 200 x 93 cm
HOle CLoth (2017), 102,5 x 139 cm
Quo Vadis? (2017), 170 x 105 cm